
How does culture influence technology? / S1 Finale P2

Many people have avatars or persona’s they adopt on different platforms. There are terabytes of content that is made up of media from...

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What does it take to be a good programmer and designer? / S1 Finale P1

The best part of being in the seasonal format is fluidity. Each season can focus on a specific set of topics and subject...

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Episode 12: How Technical People can do Better as Managers

It is well known that once technical employee’s have years of experience in their fields they get promoted to a management position. Some...

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Episode 11: The Importance of Failure Analysis and Quality Assurance

Kash Momodu is a Failure Analysis and Quality Assurance Engineer who worked at FitBit and Square. He holds a Bachelors of Science in...

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Episode 10: From MVP to Minimum Lovable Product with Ed Ipser

Ed Ipser is the founder of IpserLab and Coactify. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and has been an an entrepreneur since...

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Episode 9: Sani Momoh on Juneteenth, technology in social work and online news

In light of Juneteenth we have a special episode with Sani Momoh a social worker in the San Jose Bay Area. We the...

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